About Tookie® Enrichment

Tookie Break with Lulu is a responsible fundraiser, a nutritious snack, but also an enrichment program. Students learn about power of reaching out by sharing Tookies and watching short inspirational animated films. We offer the out-of-the-box experience in three different themes – Social and Emotional Learning, Design Thinking and Nutrition Education.

Episode 1 – Share Cookie Make Friends (Social and Emotional Learning)

Students follow, and get inspired by, the true story of Lulu, a middle-schooler, who reached out for a connection and made the world better that way. The story is set in a context of the social and emotional curricula, through which students acquire and effectively apply skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others and establish and maintain positive relationships.

Episode 2 – Make Your Ideas Happen (Design Thinking)

Munching on Tookies, students learn about how the Tookie came to life from an initial idea to a scalable execution. The story follows the Tookie through the five stages of the design process: Empathy, Idea, Prototype, Testing and Execution. The emphasis is put on encouraging students to realise their own ideas regardless how impossible they seem at first.

Episode 3 – Fuel Your Dreams (Nutrition Education)

Students learn from concrete examples why it is important to think about what they eat. The story illustrates specific effects of various foods on human performance to motivate students towards food choices, and other nutrition related behaviors, in support of their health and well-being. Students also learn that food is as much a social emotional experience as it is a fuel.

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