Tookie Break with Lulu

Share Tookie Make Friend

Tookie® is one enormous, nutritious and safe-recipe cookie-like snack for two students to share.

Tookie Break with Lulu is a bonding experience for elementary school students combining nutritious snack with enrichment and fundraising. It is a successful ice-breaker and a memorable welcoming experience at an opening of any program. As a regular daily snack it becomes a cherished bonding ritual. The out‑of‑the‑box experience complements Social and Emotional Learning, Design Thinking and Nutrition Education curriculum. It fits before or after school, in a recess or in a lunch break.

Bring Tookie Break with Lulu to your school and let your students experience the magic of human connection. Whatever it is they need – friend, play partner, bear hug, help with math, shoulder to cry on, talk, someone to share lunch with – they are only half a Tookie® away from having it and feeling worthy. Tookie® makes reaching out easy.

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How Does It Work?

Nutritious Snack

Set the date and order the out‑of‑the‑box Tookie Break with Lulu experience kit. It comes complete with freshly baked Tookies, a self-guided enrichment program and a promotional collateral. It arrives just in time to spread the word at school and among parents. Tookie® recipe fulfills strict requirements for the food safety at schools. About Tookie...


Share Tookies and make friends. Students learn about power of reaching out by sharing Tookies and watching short inspirational animated films that complement Social and Emotional Learning, Design Thinking and Nutrition Education curriculum. About Enrichment Program...


Sell Tookies and raise more money. Tookie Break with Lulu is a responsible fundraiser. Students buy and share Tookies with each other. Parents appreciate the nutritional value of Tookie® and welcome the enrichment program that focuses on growing social confidence of their children. About Fundraiser...

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About Tookie


Tookie® recipe fulfills the strict requirements for the food safety at schools. Tookie® is free from common allergens including nuts, dairy and eggs. Therefore, Tookie® is safe to sell, buy and share.


Tookie® is one cookie for two people, which also means 100% less packaging material. The Tookie® packaging is made out of environmentally friendly materials without compromising the quality of the experience.


To help children or teens in pairs to deepen the engagement ignited by sharing of the Tookie®, we poke them into a conversation with an ice-breaking question. Opening the Tookie® packaging intuitively leads to the unique question.


The Tookie® packaging is specifically designed to allow for sharing in any location, inside or outside, standing or sitting. The biodegradable water-tight packaging serves as a plate that protects the Tookie® whether put on the ground in the park or on a messy art table.

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About Tookie Enrichment

Social and Emotional Learning

Students get inspired by the true story of middle-schooler Lulu, who reached out for a connection and made the world better that way. The story is set in a context of the social and emotional learning curriculum about understanding and managing emotions, feeling and showing empathy for others and establishing and maintaining positive relationships. Watch the SEL Trailer...

Design Thinking

Munching on Tookies, students learn about how the Tookie came to life from the initial idea to the scalable execution. The story follows the Tookie® through the five stages of the design process: Empathy, Idea, Prototype, Testing and Execution. The emphasis is put on encouraging students to realise their own ideas regardless how impossible they seem at first. Watch the DE Trailer...

Nutrition Education

Students learn from concrete examples why it is important to think about what they eat. The story illustrates specific effects of various foods on human performance to motivate students towards food choices, and other nutrition related behaviors, in support of their health and well-being. Students also learn that food is as much a social emotional experience as it is a fuel. Watch the NE Trailer...

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Meet Lulu

Hello! I am Lulu. Yes, I am a real girl. I am a 6th grader. I live in California with my family, which also includes beagle puppy Art, think eARTh, smART, pARTy, heART..., and chickens Misty Feather, Mrs. Annoying, Road Runner and Royal Orange. I would like to share with you a story about how Tookie Break with Lulu came to life.
About Tookie Story...

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